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Book private transfers and tours

Explore all available options for taxis, vans and buses in Uttarakhand. Compare prices to book the vehicle that best suits your travel needs.

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Explore cities surroundings

Discover the heart of a city and its surrounding gems & attractions with our private tour packages.

Why book with us?

We are a fully licensed transfer booking platform

At UTT, you can find a variety of verified vehicles from numerous different providers. You can compare prices and amenities, and book the vehicle that best suits your travel needs.

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Search, Book, Go

Find a taxi, shuttle or bus easily and go anywhere you want in Uttarakhand

Delhi airport & port pickup service

Compare airport & port transfer prices from the most trusted suppliers, so you can ensure youre getting the safest & most reliable transfer available

Delhi airport & port pickup service

Safe friends night out

If you`re planning a night out, book a minibus and make the most of the night as none of your friends has to be designated driver.

Safe friends night out

Transfers for special events

Whether you need group transfer for a wedding, a gala or a sports game, book the transfer that will help your guests arrive on time and happy. Book your VIP transfer with epivatis!

Transfers for special events

Long distance trips

Compare buses and services and find the right vehicle and driver for your next business, social group or school trip in and around Uttarakhand. Offering all destinations transportation services at the best rates!

Long distance trips